Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Why I love DIY

My favorite re-do so far!
Hello Future Readers!

I'd like to begin my story by telling all of you how much I love DIY projects.  Let me count the ways:

  1. I love the Idea of creating something, making something from nothing, bringing new life to forgotten/abandoned pieces.  
  2. I love the Process of finding/imagining projects to do.  The search for my next DIY project is one of the best parts for me.  Its exciting, I get butterflies, and I become totally obsessed with it! 
  3. I love the Effort that goes into re-doing outdated/broken things.  Granted, sanding and painting can be tedious, but knowing that the end result is just a few paint strokes away makes it totally worth it!
  4. I love the Finished Product.  With all of my heart!  My sweat, possibly my blood, and maybe even a few tears along the way went into that piece.  It has certainly earned its place in my home and my everlasting love and devotion.  Well maybe not that last part. 
DIY for me is therapy.  I can lose myself in these projects and just release any frustration or stress I may have through the work.  Its all about the journey and a little about the destination.

Now, regarding referring to myself as a "DI-TRY-er" is my husband's doing.  One day we were talking about a project I wanted to do, and he started to chuckle and said "Now honey, are you sure you're going to do this?" And I replied, "Of course! Why wouldn't I?!" I was very indignant about this. Okay, so I see you're confused.  Let me back up a little bit.  While I love DIY, I'm a bit notorious for starting projects and never finishing them (for whatever reason).  My husband, as he should, knows this about me.  At this point in the conversation, he loving referred to me as a DI-TRY-er and from then on out, I adopted the title with gusto! I may not finish everything in a timely manner, but that doesn't always matter to me.  And I will say that I have made a commitment to myself (and my sweet helper of a husband) to get projects done!  Before we even start one, we give it a timeline and a budget-two thing that are crucial to the success of re-dos and builds. 

So, that's my story.  This blog will be my documentation of the continuation of that story.  I'll be posting projects (big and small), my how-to's, my mess-ups, and other DIY related things.  Enjoy!

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